What’s Your Leadership Style in Nursing?

You are planning to ramp up your career in nursing. This might be your dream to secure a managerial role in the future. But do you know what it means to be prepared for such positions? How you want to lead a team matters the most when it comes to the nursing and healthcare sectors.

There are many ways to acquire a career in the nursing field, often requiring a lot of experience to work in adverse situations. It notably affects the performance of people in the nursing profession.

A leadership style is the way that ensures efficiency and proficiency while delivering mentorship for the team of nurses.

But before you reach a place to acquire a role as a leader, you must complete some critical nursing projects that often require Nursing Assignment Help. So if you are willing to give your 100% in the course and aspire to learn some valuable concepts of leadership styles, this blog is for you. This will also help you decide which field you want to serve as a nursing leader.

7 Common Leadership Styles In Nursing

According to the Australian Assignment Help, there are seven crucial leadership styles you must know about nursing;


The first and foremost category of leadership style is autocratic.

It makes decisions with minor consultation with its employees. Such professional leaders are considered to have sharp thinking, and autocratic leaders are great at assigning tasks and giving directions to their subordinates.


When autocratic nurse leaders work in emergency situations, they are guided by specific negative reinforcement. These leaders typically have lower success rates when it comes to fostering team unity, creating trust, or maintaining open lines of communication.


These leaders are far less successful in forming a team, building trust, or maintaining clear communication because these styles of leadership can be linked to some degree of reinforcing.

Autocratic nurse leaders must be mindful of their group members’ talents and keep open channels of communication with the workforce. To preserve a healthy environment, they should enable the team members to express their ideas, worries, and views without sounding imposing and powerful.


Laissez-faire executives provide their staff with the bare minimum of oversight. Laissez-faire leaders typically don’t offer advice or direction to encourage innovation and originality. Such leadership is frequently observed in rookie or immature nurse leaders.


The lack of micromanaging can make this leadership quality very helpful to thrive under this type of leadership style. Moreover, the leader works perfectly well in home healthcare and hospice environments. The leadership gives opportunities to their team to explore their ideas, strength and skills.


Laissez-faire executives empower staff members to set their own objectives and find solutions to issues. According to the nursing assignment help mentors, uninvolved nurse leaders are bad for new or unskilled nurses, as well as those who require more direction or support.

Laissez-faire leaders should be in charge of making sure that their staff members’ work is both competent and safe.

Democratic leader

A democratic leader is known for their style of leadership.

Their work nature usually encourages team members’ feedback, involvement, and communication. They have a collaborative kind of work culture. Usually, the democratic leader ensures personal and professional growth and always focuses on team effort.


Democratic leaders work well in improving the quality and process of nursing. This nursing leadership has the strategy to work into quality assurance with democratic leadership. With this, they can work towards performance improvement with diversity and inclusion roles.


When a quick reaction is required, the democratic leader may be unable to handle several situations. For instance, these leaders could find it challenging to act quickly and independently when a patient codes. Democratic leadership must exercise caution to preserve absolute decision-making authority.

The final verdict says nurses who enjoy learning in-depth knowledge and feedback are more likely to grow professionally and actively perform in decision-making and charges work well under the supervision of democratic leaders.

Transformational leadership style

Transformational nurse leaders have visions they often strive to pursue. They build a team that engages together with their own benefit in facilitating significant changes if required. In the nursing assignment help, students can learn the skill of overall patient care and its improvement.


Transformational leaders work well with their fellow team members. Since they have excellent communication and mentoring, they boost others’ confidence. Moreover, these leaders are good at instilling trust and encouraging teamwork while motivating nurses to take ownership and act independently. Their functional areas are hospitals, clinics or other facilities that need improvement.


Studies show that transformative leadership abilities increase employee engagement and satisfaction. As a result, it appears to be less successful in settings where the leader is in charge of daily decision-making.

Servant leadership

Servant leaders put people first and prioritise their followers’ needs. Such leaders see to it that the abilities, resources, and methods needed to accomplish their objectives are developed. They play a significant role in staff development.


Nurses who work in a wide range of situations will surely do well because servant leadership fosters goal-driven cultures. As a result of these leaders’ well-known qualities of patience and empathy, new nurses perform better under their supervision. Nurse educators, clinic leadership, and staff development positions benefit from servant leadership.


According to the Australian assignment help, servant leaders prioritise the demands of the group over those of the person, which may interfere with the facility’s strategic goals.

Servant nurse leaders are great listeners and always empathise with their teams. They also built trust and developed teams.

The perfect example of a servant leadership style is Florence Nightingale, who prioritised empathy, awareness, and the servant leadership philosophy.


The healthcare industry is evolving quickly. Situational leaders frequently succeed in the health industry and develop flexibility. The scenario dictates the best course of action, and they may adapt their leadership style accordingly. One of the nursing profession’s most flexible leadership philosophies is situational leadership.


Counselors and situational leaders work effectively with healthcare students in particular clinical situations, according to nursing assignment help.


These leaders frequently become sidetracked from the long-term plans or objectives of an organisation.

Situational leaders are allowed to change how they manage their teams. Additionally, frequently operate in a more adaptable setting.


Next leader type is a transactional leader, who employs a system of rewards and penalties during their leadership. It generally concentrates on;

  • Supervision
  • Organisation
  • Performance

Efficiency takes precedence over motivating employees in the transactional leadership style. Complex bureaucratic healthcare companies have often used these leadership policies to achieve short-term objectives.


Because of their effective skills and risk-reducing leadership style, transactional leaders are very effective. Additionally, they tackle healthcare with an evidence-based methodology. Task-oriented leadership facilitates role and responsibility clarification while meeting deadlines.


Transactional executives focus more on employee mistakes than on motivating them to improve and foster a positive workplace.

These are the popular leadership styles in nursing. If you want to learn the skills and knowledge of leadership styles, the nursing assignment help is just a fingertip away! Just contact the experts of Nursing Assignment Help.

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