What Are 4 Types Of Assignments To Be Submitted In Australian Universities?

Students at tertiary institutions must be ready to work on various assignments. There is a lengthy list of different assignment categories; however, we try to focus on the most typical ones.

  1. Essays
  2. Page by Page journals
  3. Case study
  4. Reviews
  5. Project report
  6. Bibliography and so on

In today’s post, we are here to discuss the four types of assignments students are asked to write while studying in Australia. Let’s begin the tour!

Annotated bibliography

An annotated bibliography is a listing of sources pertinent to your study that provides brief analyses of your chosen sources.

A brief description and assessment of the content are typically included in the footnotes for your references, though this will vary depending on your assignment’s requirements.

A bibliography can be an assignment or a part of a more extensive assignment, such as a research project or literature review.

What is an annotated bibliography used for?

A bibliography may be:

  1. Discuss the breadth and width of the materials at your disposal, or the gaps and limitations of the study
  2. Organise sources for future projects
  3. Research and classify the pertinent literature on a given topic.


A case study describes an imagined or actual incident, problem, or circumstance. A case study evaluation will allow you to apply the technical concepts you have learned in class to a practical issue. To illustrate how you’d handle the situation, you will typically require to reflect critically on the occasion described in the case study to understand how and why it occurred the way it did. You will also need to debate it in connection with the theoretical ideas you have learned.

Depending on the topic, the goal of the evaluation, and your position, a case study might take many different forms. For instance:

  1. In some instances, you will be given a chance that details a serious occurrence at work. It is your responsibility as the supervisor to analyse the case, identify the reasons, and provide solutions.
  2. As an expert, you may be given a case that details a specific technical issue. Your job is to devise a solution, explaining why you picked the particular design and how it would work efficiently.
  3. You can be given a situation with a client who has just received a disease diagnosis; as the nurse, you are responsible for examining his lifestyle decisions and blood test results to ascertain the reasons for the diagnosis.

Literature review

What is literature?

Literature in an education area refers to scholarly writings, not fiction. It relates to textbooks, peer-reviewed scholarly articles, and other publications pertaining to a particular subject. You can quickly determine how much information there is on each specific topic by employing the search tools at a reputable library. Professional journals that reflect the specified area of expertise and practice are meant when you are instructed to consult “the literature” to learn what specialists in a particular subject know, disagree about, and still desire to learn.

What is a review?

When you’re requested to “review the available literature” on a subject, you must gather many book recommendations, pick the finest, carefully study it, and then write regarding how the chosen works address a particular problem or query. The goal is to give a thorough picture of what is recognized, who is contributing to its development, and how their opinions align or diverge. The primary purpose of a review is frequently to determine what is still unknown or poorly understood and to place future research in that area.

Reflective writing

Reflective writing differs from the other types of academic writing that you might be more accustomed to. It employs the first form and involves “actively reflecting about and examining what one done. You must map your thoughts on a subject, issue, or learning path and use them to write a reflective article.

Reflective writing entails more than just summarising your findings or ideas. It encompasses more than simply reporting what happened; it also entails analysing such events critically, considering the relationship between theory and practice, and connecting these concepts with what you’ve studied in your curriculum. Reflection entails considering our motivations for acting in specific ways if our predictions came true, why we believe particular actions may have been successful, and how we can act differently in the future.

As per the assignment provider, reflective writing can:

  1. Enhance lateral and critical reasoning
  2. Disrupt conventional wisdom and highlight potential answers
  3. Provide a chance to learn about oneself and from flaws and mistakes in the past.
  4. Obtain clarity, a better comprehension of what you are studying, and derive purpose from your studies.
  5. Show your professors what you comprehend so they can better direct and help you.
  6. When you subsequently reflect on it, show how you have evolved.
  7. Instill self-assurance in you so that you can face the difficulties of working life

Types of reflections

Your area of study and the lecturer’s preferences will determine the kind of analysis you are required to complete. You could be required to produce a reflective essay, participate in peer assessment or self-assessment, keep a training notebook or logbook, or all three. You may be asked to organise your reflective writing in a systematic or unstructured manner by your professors. One systematic approach is using leading questions or themes that you must respond to. The speaker may invite you to “write a reflection” on a particular activity or situation in an unexpected way.

You could also employ a reflective framework, which could be a helpful tool for directing and structuring your analysis; however, it is wise to consult with the subject lecturer beforehand if you want to use applicable skills that the lecturer hasn’t given. Examine the frameworks listed below and consider how you may apply them to future reflective assignments.


  1. Rolfe’s minimal model
  2. DIEP
  3. Kolb’s reflective cycle
  4. Gibb’s reflective cycle or video
  5. The 5Rs framework

These were the top four assignments covered in the study. If you are assigned with any of these and want to clear your doubts, connect to assignment help.

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